Wednesday 29 April 2015

Where Are All The Moderate Muslims?

I may get some shit for this but I don't care. With ISIS (or whatever the hell they're calling themselves this week) continuing their siege against, well, everything and a total lack of action from so called moderates within the muslim community, is it time to stop using the phrase moderate muslim? I know they're out there... somewhere... but they're so quiet.

I'm not talking about the poor unfortunates on the ground doing their best to stand up to these vermin. I'm talking about the 1.6 billion muslims praying to mohammed a gazillion times a day when they should be out fighting for human rights. Come on lads, can we start allowing women to drive cars now please? Or how about allowing them out of the house without you or a trusted male colleague to "protect" them? Now I know these things don't happen in every muslim nation but they do happen and it's gone way beyond the fucking joke.

Let's get to the nuts and bolts of this. We all hate ISIS. To quote John Oliver, they are the ebola of humanity. That is accepted by almost everyone in the west. However I'd prefer to take aim at the day to day stuff, like this: Women are still treated like they are subservient to men and are punished in very extreme ways for what men deem to be crimes. These horrendous things happen in so-called progressive muslim nations too. This goes way beyond the inequality women face here at home which is also fucking disgraceful. The difference here is, women in Ireland won't be gang raped as punishment for having an affair with a married man and then subsequently be publicly caned for her original "crime".

Look at that brave masked man above ready to deal justice to the sinner on her knees. What a guy! I bet that made him feel good. This took place last year in Indonesia (in the news again today) a place which has a reputation for being a forward thinking muslim nation. There are miscarriages of justice in Ireland but this kind of wrongness is exclusive to batshit muslim nations that worship the islam religion. Even those who claim to be secular nations have this level of "justice". Look at the crowds watching. Are they being coerced? I don't know but let's assume they are being forced out into the streets to watch this poor woman suffer such disgusting indignity. Where the hell are the voices of reason? Where is the outrage? Again, I'm sure there are some people who hate that this is their country but they're not doing anything to prevent it. Too many men like the status quo. Too many men enjoy the power. Too many men... actually just too many fucking arseholing men with far too much power. You get a gang of men together and give them all the power and everything just goes to shit. Look no further than the catholic church for proof. They too are an insidious organization but as much as I despise them, I've gotta give it to islam. They continuously find new ways to lower the humanity bar.

I've always felt that being a moderate meant supporting free speech (no matter how infuriating that can be, I'm looking at you Iona Institute fuckers) and gender equality should also be a given. This way of thinking just does not exist for the muslim community. You cannot mock their "prophet" and women live in a state of servitude. These are facts! I've used my free speech to argue that the 1.6 billion muslims on the planet are not doing enough to make free speech and gender equality a reality in their worlds. To my astonishment, in the face of undeniable proof of recent abuse, I've met some resistance from people who would call themselves "liberal". Aparently you cannot expect devout muslims to change their belief system. Why not? How is it that in 2015, people do not know that public caning is wrong? How is it that in Saudi Arabia when a person calls himself an atheist he suffers 20 lashes a week for 50 weeks as well as prison time? Or in Bangledesh, they straight up murder you for the same thing. To be fair to Bangledesh, that wasn't the authorities that was just the people... you know, followers of islam. Oh and they also cut his wife's finger off despite her having nothing to do with the blog.

You do not want be a homosexual in a muslim country either. I've mentioned this in a previous blog but gays are uniformly murdered by ISIS and muslims are of the opinion that being gay is somehow a sin. This isn't just a sharia law belief, this is a solid belief in most muslim communities. Granted, we've got some problems in this country when it comes to gay rights but at least we're having a conversation and putting issues to a vote. Being gay in a muslim country can very easily get you killed. Again, it's 2015. How can this be seen as normal? If you have a gay friend, ask them would they be openly gay in any muslim nation.

What role can America play in this? NONE WHATSOEVER!!! The reason ISIS exist is because that fucking dickhead George Bush invaded Iraq and gave the Middle East a perfectly good reason to rediscover their hatred of the West. If change is going to come, it has to come from within. If the US military go all "Team America" again, more forces will unify against the "great satan" that is the West.

The "nu-liberal" comeback is always the same pathetic shit. "You won't change their minds by insulting them." But I'm not insulting them. If we can't call something by its name then we too are denying free speech and are no better than lunatics who ban the wearing of Nike products and think statues are an affront to the prophet. Seriously... statues. That's right Jayne, you're an affront to the prophet! Actually, good job Cobb.

I'm afraid I'm just not convinced that there are a lot of moderate muslims out there, certainly not moderate as I understand the definition. If being a moderate muslim means "not as bad as ISIS" then you're not moderate, you're slightly above pond scum. What we need is a huge, effective liberal voice of reason to come out of the muslim world. How likely is this?



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